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Understanding Whether a Breast Lift Is Right for You

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Over the years, many women become dissatisfied with the appearance of drooping of the breasts. This occurs due to the cumulative effects of gravity, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Plastic surgeons often recommend breast lifts for women who wish to restore firmness and an ideal shape. Some women choose to have a breast lift along with a breast augmentation to increase volume as well. To learn whether a breast lift could be right for you, consult a plastic surgeon.

Establishing Your Goals for Your Appearance

To determine if you are a good candidate for a breast lift, the plastic surgeon will ask you some questions about your goals for your appearance. He or she will also conduct a physical exam. You could be a good candidate for this procedure if you’re unhappy with sagging, pendulous, flatter breasts. A breast lift is ideal for those with downward-pointing nipples, enlarged areolas, and stretched skin in the area. However, it’s important to have realistic expectations for the procedure. While a breast lift can provide a rejuvenated, youthful profile, it cannot increase the volume of the breasts. If you wish to improve shape and increase volume, consider having a breast augmentation in addition to a lift.

Discussing Your Medical History

Before having either a breast lift or breast augmentation, your plastic surgeon will question you closely about your medical history. Ideal candidates for surgery include those who are in good overall health and who have maintained a stable weight. If you smoke, your plastic surgeon will recommend that you quit. Smoking inhibits the healing process and increases the risk of complications.

Learning About the Procedure

During your consultation, you can ask the surgeon any questions you may have about the procedure. You may wish to ask how a breast lift and breast augmentation will be performed, where the incisions will be placed, and what you can expect from the recovery period.

Blackhawk Plastic Surgery offers personalized plastic surgery procedures to those in the San Francisco Bay area. To learn whether a breast lift is right for you, call our office at (925) 272-2464 and schedule a consultation. Ask us about our other services, including breast augmentations, tummy tucks, face lifts, and liposuction.

Complimentary Consultation

Improve your self-confidence with a cosmetic surgical procedure at Blackhawk Plastic Surgery.
Dedicated to using the highest standards of care for our patients, call today to discover how our Beautiful and Natural Results can enhance your looks!

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