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How a Neck Lift Can Reshape Your Profile

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Have you recently lost a lot of weight? Do want to look like you have? A neck lift can help take years off your appearance by tightening loose skin after weight loss or removing fat and tightening the skin of the neck for a slimmer appearance.

What Does a Neck Lift Fix?

If you have the following conditions, a neck lift could help you attain the more youthful appearance you’re searching for. A neck lift can reduce the appearance of:

  • Excess skin on the neck.
  • Fat deposits under the chin and on the neck.

Neck Lift Procedure

Once under anesthesia, your plastic surgeon will use small hidden incisions (usually behind the ears and under the chin) to tighten or remove neck muscles and tighten skin on the neck. Typically, you can expect a neck lift surgery to last approximately 2-3 hours.

  • Cervicoplasty is a procedure in which your plastic surgeon will remove excess skin and tighten remaining skin and suture it in place.
  • The procedure named platysmaplasty is used by cosmetic surgeons to remove or alter neck muscles for a smoother, more youthful look.
  • Liposuction is often used together with cervicoplasty or platysmaplasty to remove excess fat pockets that form on and under the chin.

Benefits of a Neck Lift

Did you know that your neck is one of the first areas to begin to show age? Loose, sagging skin, band lines, and fat deposits on your neck can all be eliminated with a neck lift procedure. Although the results of a neck lift are subtle, the results will be noticeable and will leave you with a more youthful appearance. A neck lift can take years off of your appearance.

Blackhawk Plastic Surgery offers premier plastic surgery procedures in the San Francisco Bay Area. With a state-of-the-art facility, the surgeons at Blackhawk Plastic Surgery will use their experience and skill to help you look your best. Please call us today at (925) 272-2464 to schedule your complimentary consultation. In addition to neck lifts, we offer breast augmentation, tummy tucks, facelifts, liposuction, and rhinoplasty, as well as an array of non-surgical options.


The materials available at this website are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice. You should contact your doctor or cosmetic surgeon to obtain advice with respect to any particular medical issue or problem. Use and access to this website or any of the links contained within the site do not create a doctor-client relationship. The opinions expressed at or through this site are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of the medical office or any individual doctor or cosmetic surgeon.

Complimentary Consultation

Improve your self-confidence with a cosmetic surgical procedure at Blackhawk Plastic Surgery.
Dedicated to using the highest standards of care for our patients, call today to discover how our Beautiful and Natural Results can enhance your looks!

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