Liposuction removes deposits of fat beneath the skin to reveal a smoother, more sculpted body. Before receiving liposuction, it’s important to meet with your plastic surgeon and determine whether you are a good candidate for this procedure. The ideal liposuction candidate should be in good health and seeking more definition in the contours of her body. You should be close to your ideal weight; liposuction is best for addressing smaller fat deposits that do not seem to shrink with dieting or exercise. Additionally, your surgeon will check your skin elasticity. Good skin elasticity prevents you from experiencing sagging or loose skin after your liposuction procedure. If you have gone through pregnancy or significant weight loss in the past and now have loose skin you wish to address, liposuction might not be the best procedure for your needs.
Would you like to find out if liposuction is right for you? Contact a board-certified plastic surgeon at Blackhawk Plastic Surgery by calling (925) 272-2464. We are here to help you make the right decision regarding cosmetic surgery in the San Francisco Bay area. Check out our website to learn more!.