If you are developing frown lines that make you look constantly angry or tired, you may be wondering whether there are cosmetic solutions available. Here is a look at Dysport and what questions you should discuss with your doctor before undergoing treatment:
- How Does Dysport Eliminate Frown Lines?
In order to make an informed decision about wrinkle reduction techniques, you must understand how they work. Dynamic wrinkles such as frown lines form due to repeated use of the same facial muscles. Dysport and other botulinum toxin injectables block the activation of these muscles, ensuring that the skin over them stays smooth and relaxed until the treatment wears off.
- When Will Results Be Apparent?
While it will take around two weeks for the full effects of Dysport to manifest, many patients notice a reduction in frown lines after only 24 hours.
- What Does the Injection Process Entail?
In order to naturally and effectively relax frown lines, Dysport must be injected into five different points above and between the eyebrows. This treatment is fast and easy, taking only a few minutes and involving no downtime.
- How Often Should I Return for Further Treatments?
The effects of Dysport will typically last for three to four months. After 90 days, you can receive another treatment to renew the results. Because there is no reported tolerance to Dysport, you can continue receiving injections while still enjoying the same results.
For information regarding your eligibility to receive Dysport injections, call Blackhawk Plastic Surgery at (925) 736-5757. Our physician, Dr. Ronan, is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has many years of experience helping clients attain the look they want.